Gaza Conflict Worsens

Like most of the world’s major NGOs, Operation USA has watched as conditions for 2.3 million Palestinians cooped up in Gaza have gotten progressively worse.  In most other manmade or natural disasters a tragic event happens and we and our NGO colleagues bring our years of expertise to bear on helping victims in the near term and later on as the recovery begins.

In Operation USA’s case that normally involves sending emergency equipment and supplies or making cash grants to partners in the field once we have vetted their proposals for soundness. Hospitals, clinics and schools have been rebuilt with local and international nonprofit and corporate partners. As we are not a government aid contractor, this means asking long time partner individuals, families, foundations and companies to join us in creating a response to a pressing humanitarian need.

The global compassionate response to Hamas’ terror attacks on Israeli settlements on October 7 was massive.  Now, the goodwill flowing from that event and the subsequent rocket attacks on Israeli cities is fast being dissipated by what can only be termed indiscriminate military attacks everywhere inside Gaza.

As we write this over 18,500 people — approximately 7500 of whom are children–are dead and there is no end in sight.  Homes, hospitals, schools and public infrastructure have been destroyed or badly damaged. It’s impossible to even contemplate who would pay to rebuild Gaza once the fighting stops. Continued cut-offs of water, power, and other essentials are making things worse.

Operation USA always approaches our work in terms of whether a response by us can “add value” to the heroic work other NGOs and United Nations agencies are doing to alleviate suffering. We have no control over any government’s response to this catastrophe but we can focus on getting supplies to children and families in need. That’s what Operation USA does best and with your help we will do just that.

Corporate supply donors and health care organizations can participate with us. Individuals, families and foundations can help us with the relatively modest funds we’ll need for procurement, shipping to the area and distribution by partners.  Thank you for your consideration!