NEWS RELEASE: Millions victimized by historic flooding in Southeast Asia
LOS ANGELES, CA (Nov 2, 2011)–Multiple tropical storms and heavy monsoon rains have caused widespread flooding across Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, and the Philippines. As many as 900 deaths have been reported and the flooding is affecting an estimated 9 million others. Thousands of houses, entire towns and villages, and hundreds of square miles of cropland have been inundated.
Poor water and sanitation conditions bring the threat of disease—diarrhea, dengue fever, cholera and malaria are feared to be on the rise in the coming weeks. Widespread damage to rice crops is expected to have a large impact on both food supply and economic stability.
Operation USA is assessing needs on the ground, as well as planning essential medical and emergency supply shipments to hospital and health care/NGO partners which provide free medical care for those in need. Operation USA has worked in Southeast Asia since its earliest days—and continues to support partners in Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines and Thailand.
Early support can directly affect how quickly and effectively we can respond to this major disaster.