NEWS RELEASE: Operation USA Delivers Aid via Local Agencies in Tornado-stricken Oklahoma
Los Angeles-based non-governmental agency provides material aid and financial assistance
Los Angeles, Calif., May 26, 2013 –Operation USA, a Los Angeles-based international relief agency, announced today that it has provided emergency aid to communities in need in Oklahoma in the wake of tornadoes that struck the area earlier this week, with more aid to follow.
Earlier this week, Operation USA delivered a shipment of electric generators to Oklahoma City, with more in reserve to be delivered as needed. The organization is also readying several large scale donations, including food, cooking utensils, clothing, health care, education materials, and janitorial supplies, for distribution to local agencies in the Moore, Oklahoma area. Monetary donations collected by the agency are also being allocated to causes directly supporting
tornado relief and recovery in Oklahoma.
“It is our hope that the American people focus on Oklahoma’s needs long enough to ensure that they are being met, before moving on to the next major local or global disaster,” says Richard Walden, CEO of Operation USA. “Local people and their local organizations are the key to a successful rebuilding effort, but the rest of us can help by giving them a good start through our generosity.”
In addition to immediate needs, the rebuilding of affected communities will require sustained attention. Operation USA plans to make small grants (as funds allow) to community-based organizations as they rebuild over the next several months.
help relief efforts in Oklahoma, donate online at, by phone at 1-800-678-7255 or, by check made out to Operation USA, 7421 Beverly Blvd., PH, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Donations can also be made via text message: text AID to 50555 to donate $10. Text donations are collected for the benefit of Operation USA by the mGive Foundation and subject to the terms found at
United and Continental air miles can be donated to Operation USA through United Airlines Charity Miles program at
Founded in 1979, Operation USA helps communities alleviate the effects of disasters, disease and endemic poverty by providing privately-funded relief, reconstruction and development aid throughout the world. The Los Angeles based non- government organization offers material and financial assistance to community-based organizations that promote sustainable development, leadership and capacity building, income generating activities, education, health services, and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people. Learn more at